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[{"address":"31 Orchard Rd","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.765556710617126,"longitude":151.27493289999998},"media":[{"type":"img","content":"https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/freeguides-prod.appspot.com/o/assets%2Ftours%2Fq5laIKV86kV24ZFlXcus%2Fkatie.png?alt=media&token=5c0b5148-7de8-46dc-9b44-d943dea121d7"},{"type":"text","content":"# Groundswell Festival"},{"type":"text","content":"Hey there, fellow explorers! I'm Katie, and I'm thrilled to be your guide on this exciting journey through the vibrant tapestry of the Brookvale Arts District. So, are you ready to embark on an adventure that's bound to ignite your senses, spark your creativity, and unveil hidden gems? Let's dive headfirst into the heart of artistic expression, where every corner holds a story, every street a melody, and every moment an opportunity for discovery. Get ready to immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and flavours that make this district truly special. Buckle up, because we're about to uncover the soul of Brookvale like never before. Let's go on this adventure together! 🎨🎶🌟"},{"type":"text","content":"Welcome to the enchanting world of Groundswell! Over three exhilarating days in late October, immerse yourself in a symphony of music, film, and culture that transcends boundaries."},{"type":"text","content":"Building on its triumphant 2022 debut, Groundswell returns with an amplified lineup. From skater punk to opera, Latin beats to neo-funk, and art battles to flow arts, the spectrum of creativity is boundless. This year, the stages multiply to host an array of genres, accompanied by laughter-inducing comedy, captivating burlesque, and immersive events that blur the line between reality and fantasy."},{"type":"text","content":"Savour delectable delights from food trucks and conscious eats, then sway under the stars at the dance party. Witness augmented reality ignite the street with a dynamic poster exhibition, merging art and technology in a truly magical display."},{"type":"text","content":"Prepare to be captivated by surf films, rat rods, and an evolving tapestry of experiences that defy convention. Groundswell is not just an event – it's a journey that resonates, a celebration that unites, and an escape that lingers in your heart."}]},{"address":"7th Day Brewery","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.76688701061763,"longitude":151.2724815},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"unit 14/9 Powells Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia","types":["bar","establishment","food","point_of_interest","restaurant"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2738304802915,"south":-33.76823598029149,"north":-33.76553801970849,"west":151.2711325197085},"location":{"lng":151.2725537,"lat":-33.7670756},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["subpremise"],"short_name":"unit 14","long_name":"unit 14"},{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"9","long_name":"9"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Powells Rd","long_name":"Powells Road"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Brookvale","long_name":"Brookvale"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"Northern Beaches Council","long_name":"Northern Beaches Council"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2100","long_name":"2100"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"67MF+52 Brookvale NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH67MF+52"},"place_id":"ChIJ6W5TdlyqEmsRch_aAFyLEd8"}},{"type":"text","content":"Now, let us venture to a haven of flavours and festivities – the renowned 7th Day Brewery. From its humble beginnings, where its first barrels were tapped in 2018 amidst the cheers of anticipation, this extraordinary establishment has evolved into a thriving oasis of libations and community."},{"type":"text","content":"From the outset, 7th Day Brewery has embodied the spirit of unity, blossoming from a crowdfunded endeavour into a hub of beverage craftsmanship. Picture this: six distinct beers, a tantalising sour cider, and a captivating range of hard seltzers that dance upon your taste buds. Each sip tells a story of dedication and passion, a testament to the artistry of brewing."},{"type":"text","content":"As you step into the heart of the Brookvale Arts District, prepare to be swept away by more than just flavors. Here, 7th Day Brewery has found its physical home – a place where creativity and camaraderie intertwine. This sanctuary is not just a brewery; it's an experience. It's a place where the walls reverberate with the melodies of live music performances, where the air hums with the beats of DJ sets, and where the laughter of friends mingles with the clinking of glasses."},{"type":"text","content":"But that's not all that awaits you in this captivating establishment. Join in the intellectual revelry as you partake in the revered tradition of a weekly trivia night – a gathering that celebrates not just knowledge, but the joy of camaraderie and friendly competition."},{"type":"text","content":"7th Day Brewery is not merely a place to enjoy drinks; it's a destination where stories are woven, where friendships are forged, and where every moment is a celebration. Step through its doors and experience the convergence of flavors, melodies, and laughter – a true embodiment of the art of living. Welcome to 7th Day Brewery, where every day is a reason to raise your glass and toast to life's vibrant tapestry."}]},{"address":"Housefox Studios","placeId":null,"location":{"longitudeDelta":0.1837850604533638,"latitudeDelta":0.09219986310369421,"latitude":-33.765350010617006,"longitude":151.27317324999999},"media":[{"type":"place","content":{"formatted_address":"19 Orchard Rd, Brookvale NSW 2100, Australia","types":["electronics_store","establishment","home_goods_store","point_of_interest","store"],"partial_match":true,"geometry":{"viewport":{"east":151.2745222302915,"south":-33.76669898029149,"north":-33.76400101970849,"west":151.2718242697085},"location":{"lng":151.2731781,"lat":-33.765278},"location_type":"ROOFTOP"},"address_components":[{"types":["street_number"],"short_name":"19","long_name":"19"},{"types":["route"],"short_name":"Orchard Rd","long_name":"Orchard Road"},{"types":["locality","political"],"short_name":"Brookvale","long_name":"Brookvale"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_2","political"],"short_name":"Northern Beaches Council","long_name":"Northern Beaches Council"},{"types":["administrative_area_level_1","political"],"short_name":"NSW","long_name":"New South Wales"},{"types":["country","political"],"short_name":"AU","long_name":"Australia"},{"types":["postal_code"],"short_name":"2100","long_name":"2100"}],"plus_code":{"compound_code":"67MF+V7 Brookvale NSW, Australia","global_code":"4RRH67MF+V7"},"place_id":"ChIJMXHJNlyqEmsRpgF3e-EyLds"}},{"type":"text","content":"Let's explore a musical haven, a stop on our journey curated by local legend Ryan Miller. This studio, a recording sanctuary, photography haven, and rehearsal hub, pulses with over a decade of creative energy on the Northern Beaches."},{"type":"text","content":"Here, musicians find solace in crafting their art, and success stories like Ocean Alley Band, Crocodylus, and Angry Anderson have graced its halls. International acts, from Sasquatch to King Parrot, have woven their global melodies into its tapestry."},{"type":"text","content":"Feel the vibrations of harmonies crafted, see light captured in frames, and envision dreams taking shape. Ryan Miller's studio is more than just a space; it's a symphony of creativity, where every note and every click of the camera shutter reverberates with the spirit of artistic passion. Join us in embracing the artistry that calls this sanctuary home."}]}]
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Meet Your Guide
Brookvale Arts District

Discover a dynamic arts hub: Brookvale Arts District. Transformed from an industrial park, it now hosts vibrant galleries, entertainment venues, and tech start-ups. Embrace creativity and innovation in this inspiring destination. 🎨🎶🍻

Meet Your Guide
Brookvale Arts District

Discover a dynamic arts hub: Brookvale Arts District. Transformed from an industrial park, it now hosts vibrant galleries, entertainment venues, and tech start-ups. Embrace creativity and innovation in this inspiring destination. 🎨🎶🍻

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