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Daniel Wasilewsky

How to increase the Overall quality of your tour on FreeGuides


As a tour guide, creating a self-guided walking tour on the FreeGuides app is a great way to share your knowledge and passion for the places you are visiting with a wider audience. However, in order to create a truly memorable and high-quality tour, it is important to focus on three key areas: value, feasibility, and personality.

One way to increase the overall quality of your tour is to focus on providing real value to your explorers. This means highlighting the unique and interesting aspects of the area and providing insights and information that cannot be found elsewhere. You can do this by adding more interactive elements or multimedia experiences at each stop, and by partnering with local businesses and shops along the route. This will make the tour more engaging and interesting, and will provide explorers with a deeper understanding and appreciation of the places you are visiting.

Another way to increase the quality of your tour is to focus on feasibility. This means carefully planning the route and the placement of each stop, and designing the tour to be completed in person, rather than virtually. This will make it easy for explorers to navigate the route and complete the tour, and will allow them to fully experience the sights, sounds, and atmosphere of the area.

Finally, you can increase the quality of your tour by focusing on personality. This means being yourself and letting your personality shine through in your tour. Share your personal story and engage with your explorers in a fun and entertaining way. This will help to create a unique connection with your explorers and make your tour stand out from the rest.

To get an idea of what high-quality tours look like, consider filtering the app to see the "most liked" or "most run" tours, and see what these tours do to stand out. By taking inspiration from these tours and applying the tips mentioned above, you can create a truly memorable and high-quality self-guided walking tour on the FreeGuides app.

To increase the overall quality of your self-guided walking tour:

  1. Focus on providing real value to your explorers by highlighting the unique and interesting aspects of the area and providing insights and information that cannot be found elsewhere
  2. Carefully plan the route and the placement of each stop, and design the tour to be completed in person, in order to make it easy for explorers to navigate and fully experience the places you are visiting
  3. Be yourself and let your personality shine through in your tour to create a unique connection with your explorers and make your tour stand out from the rest.

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