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Liam Kelly
Liam Kelly
2 min

Revolutionizing Tour Creation with FreeGuides Autofill AI Feature


At FreeGuides, we're constantly striving to improve the user experience for our customers. That's why we're excited to introduce our latest feature: Autofill AI.

Our goal with Autofill AI is to make the process of creating tours on our platform even easier and more intuitive. Whether you're a seasoned tour guide or a first-time user, Autofill AI is designed to help you quickly and easily create a tour that's informative, engaging, and tailored to your audience.

One of the key benefits of Autofill AI is that it uses artificial intelligence to suggest content for your tour based on your location and the interests of your audience. For example, if you're creating a tour of a historical site, Autofill AI might suggest relevant facts and stories that will captivate your audience and bring the location to life.

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Of course, we understand that not everyone wants to use AI to create their tours, and that's okay! Autofill AI is completely optional, and you can still create your tours manually if you prefer. However, we believe that Autofill AI has the potential to save our users a lot of time and effort, while also improving the quality of their tours.

At FreeGuides, we take our responsibility to provide high-quality, reliable content very seriously. That's why we've designed Autofill AI to be in line with Google's guidance on AI-generated content. Our focus is on creating people-first content that demonstrates expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness, and that provides helpful and informative information to our users.

We're excited about the potential of Autofill AI to help our users create even better tours, and we can't wait to see the amazing content that our users create using this new feature. If you have any questions or feedback about Autofill AI, please don't hesitate to get in touch with our team.

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