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Liam Kelly
Liam Kelly
2 min

The Best Times to Explore Vivid 2023


Vivid Sydney is a magical festival that attracts crowds of visitors eager to experience its stunning light displays and immersive art installations. While the vibrant atmosphere adds to the excitement, navigating through throngs of people can sometimes be challenging. In this blog, we will guide you through the best times to explore Vivid 2023, offering valuable tips to help you avoid the crowds and make the most of your visit. Get ready to immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Vivid Sydney while enjoying a more serene and unforgettable experience.

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Weekday Evenings: Embrace the Tranquility

One of the best ways to avoid the crowds at Vivid Sydney is to plan your visit on weekday evenings. While weekends tend to be busier, weekdays offer a more tranquil and less crowded experience. Consider visiting from Monday to Thursday when the majority of people are at work or school. You'll have a better opportunity to leisurely explore the installations and fully appreciate the beauty of Vivid without the hustle and bustle of the weekend crowds.

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Early Evenings: Beat the Rush

Arriving early in the evening is another effective strategy to beat the rush and enjoy a more peaceful experience. The crowds tend to grow later in the night as people finish their dinners and head out to experience Vivid Sydney. By arriving early, you can explore the installations with fewer people, ensuring unobstructed views and the chance to immerse yourself in the ambience fully.

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Late Evenings: Enjoy Extended Hours

As the night progresses, some visitors start to leave Vivid Sydney, creating an opportunity for those who prefer a quieter atmosphere. Consider staying until later in the evening to enjoy extended hours and a more serene experience. Not only will you have more space to move around, but the illuminations will also be even more striking against the darkened city backdrop.

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Explore Lesser-Known Locations: Discover Hidden Gems

While popular sites such as the Sydney Opera House and Harbour Bridge draw large crowds, don't forget to explore the lesser-known locations that offer equally captivating installations. Venture into the surrounding neighbourhoods and seek out hidden gems where you can enjoy the artistry of Vivid Sydney without overwhelming crowds. Not only will you have a more intimate experience, but you might also stumble upon unique installations and lesser-known artists. Consider trying the “Vivid 2023 map: Self-guided walking tour”, and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of Vivid 2023 with our comprehensive walking itinerary. 

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Experiencing Vivid Sydney without feeling overwhelmed by the crowds is possible with strategic planning and timing. By visiting on weekday evenings, arriving early or staying late, exploring lesser-known locations and utilising FreeGuides' expertise, you can enjoy a more serene and immersive experience. Embrace the tranquillity, discover hidden gems, and let the captivating light displays of Vivid Sydney dazzle you without the overwhelming crowds.

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